TRUSTyFOOD project intends to shed light on the current partial and fragmented picture of BCT applications in the agri-food domain, by clarifying the benefits and opportunities which BCT can concretely to stakeholders throughout the food chain offer and by providing the most suitable tool to each targeted stakeholder for prompt, easy and effective implementation in their own context. To ensure the project reaches its goal, findings need to be a reflection of “real” needs and priorities. For this reason, we are inviting you to take part and to bring your experience, knowledge and suggestions to the project to contribute towards its success. The Stakeholder Board will be organ ised under the form of “discussion groups”, carried out in periodic meetings. The project may provide you insights and findings that would otherwise not have heard of (first-hand results). Results can be useful to you to take internal decisions, manage internal processes, procedures, manage in a trust and transparent way relationships along your supply chain. In addition, the Stakeholder Board offers networking opportunity for stakeholders to meet with other stakeholders and establish collaborations with them